
Women's Edition

12 March 2023Video1 comment

By coincidence, International Women's Day fell on Wednesday during our very first Women's Edition cycling camp. Was it different from other weeks? Not at all! They rode a lot, climbed a lot of mountains, and supported each other. They are the Sa Calobra Cycling Club.

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27 February 2023Video0 comment

They all came from different countries, had different levels, sometimes different expectations as well about the camp. But they all shared the same passion for cycling and determination to surpass themselves. Either Alex who has been carrying his 111kg up to the Tramuntana Mountains, Sophie who smashed the Team record at Sa Calobra, or Kelly who climbed Coll dels Reis despite suffering of a crash earlier in the week, they worked so hard this week. We’re proud of you. All of you!

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Hail or Hell?

13 February 2023Video0 comment

Thursday was not only the hardest ride we have ever done, with 130km and seven climbs, including four 2nd category. It was also the most challenging weather we ever faced in four years: only 1° at the top of Puig Major, strong wind, hail on the Sóller climb. But all the riders made it to the end. What a day!

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We Are Sa Calobra Cycling Club - Episode 22

“Just have to think about cycling” Check out the new episode of “We Are Sa Calobra Cycling Club”: our webseries about those who know us best : the riders! The Sa Calobra Cycling Club is a team, your team! Today, an interview with Mathieu, 30 years old, who talks about the week he spent at the Sa Calobra Cycling Club to prepare for his new season of racing.

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“Between my ears”

26 January 2023Video0 comment

Getting faster is not just about training hard and losing weight. It’s about gaining confidence in your cycling and pushing your limits, often more mental than physical. Within the past four years, we have helped hundreds of athletes to ride faster, to become a better climber, and to smash their PR up to Sa Calobra, like Gus and Dave this week! Well done guys!

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