The Staff | Amy

Massage Therapist


Stanislav and Megan joined the Team in 2021 and 2022. You will see, they do miracles! We asked them about their job and how they manage to get riders back on their bike with fresh legs every morning.

What are the massage sessions like?
Stanislav Kazikin | Massage Therapist
: Each rider will benefit from a sports massage of about twenty minutes every day. We focus on the lower part of the body obviously, the most stressed in cycling, but do not neglect the back, neck or arms, in case of pain or a fall, which unfortunately happens sometimes. The goal is to improve recovery, but also to offer a pleasant moment of relaxation after several hours of work on the bike.

Do you also use electrostimulation and compression boots?
Megan Townsend | Massage Therapist:
Yes, compression boots and a a Compex system are available to riders at all times. They usually use them before getting on the massage table, for about thirty minutes. Everything here has been designed to improve the recovery and well-being of the athlete. We treat you like a professional rider, it makes big differences.

Yes, having a massage after every ride changes everything. This is a real plus for riders, even amateurs. It limits the build-up of fatigue and inflammation. Elsewhere they offer their clients only one mid-week massage. Unfortunately, it is often too late to eliminate the accumulated fatigue and repair the lesions caused by the lack of care for several days.

Better safe than sorry as they say!
That's quite right. Here, we work with the logic of support and prevention. We follow them from their arrival with the team until the last day of the camp. We get to know them to better understand their needs. Throughout the week, a cordial relationship of trust is established, these are truly special moments.

Anything to add?
While we are pushing them to their limit on the bike, the massage session is a moment of relaxation. Quite the opposite. Our greatest satisfaction is seeing them return home in good shape and motivated. Too often we see cyclists leaving Mallorca exhausted, physically, and psychologically. You should never finish a training camp at the end of your rope, it is completely counterproductive. If it takes a fortnight to get over it, there is a problem…

At Sa Calobra Cycling Club since

Bristol, United Kingdom

English, Spanish and English

Meet The Staff

Riders, carer, mechanic, massage therapist, chef, videomaker and community manager, we are all proud to be part of this team! Meet the people who will give everything to make your training camp in Mallorca successful.

If you are passionate about cycling and interested in joining a young and dynamic training camp company, we would love to hear from you! We’re always looking for talented people to play a driving role in our team.

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