Vice Champion of Spain
The Spanish Road Cycling Championships for Junior and Masters took place this weekend. Organized for the first time in Mallorca, on roads he knows like the back of his hand, our Ride Captain, Aurélien* was bound to shine there, less than a month after winning second place in the Balearic Regional Championship.
As it is often the case, there were many attempts to break away during the first kilometers of the race, and very quickly, a group of six riders took off, with up to three minutes ahead of the peloton. It was only with twenty kilometers to go that the positions changed. At that moment, our Ride Captain decided to break away on his own, trying to bridge the 1-minute gap remaining with the front group. In very good shape, it only took him a few kilometers to catch up with the six leaders. Six? No, because in the meantime, Madrid rider Mario Villasevil had managed to get out of the leading group to race for victory. Still under the threat of a fast-paced peloton, Aurélien attacked again a few moments later, to go solo for second place, crossing the line 40 seconds behind the winner. An XXL performance for our Ride Captain, the new Vice Champion of Spain!
“For once, I was patient before attacking, and it paid off. This is the lesson of the day: in cycling, you have to know how to bide your time. It’s a great result that rewards all the great work we did this summer. It is promising for the rest of the season."
We can not wait to see it! Enhorabuena campeón!
*Although French, Aurélien participated as a license holder of the Spanish Federation.
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