
See you next year!

16 March 2023Video0 comment

When 100% of the riders book their spot for next year, less than 24 hours after leaving Mallorca, it means something... See you next year ladies!

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“Sometimes you need someone to push you”

Let's give a voice to those who know us best : the riders! The Sa Calobra Cycling Club is a team, your team! Today, an interview with Sophie, who talks about her experience at the Sa Calobra Cycling Club and her best SCCC time on Sa Calobra for a female rider. When did you start cycling? Sophie Daly : I started cycling consistently at the end of December 2022 when I got a loan of my mum’s old bike. Since I was dealing with a running injury at the time, cycling seemed a good option to [...]

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“Riding with power is addictive”

14 March 2023Video0 comment

If you are looking for a camp to teach you how to switch gears or to break, let’s be honest, this is not the right place for you (yet). But if you are looking to improve, challenge yourself, experience riding with a powermeter, learn how to fuel to ride further, higher, and faster, then you are at the right place!

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Women's Edition

12 March 2023Video1 comment

By coincidence, International Women's Day fell on Wednesday during our very first Women's Edition cycling camp. Was it different from other weeks? Not at all! They rode a lot, climbed a lot of mountains, and supported each other. They are the Sa Calobra Cycling Club.

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27 February 2023Video0 comment

They all came from different countries, had different levels, sometimes different expectations as well about the camp. But they all shared the same passion for cycling and determination to surpass themselves. Either Alex who has been carrying his 111kg up to the Tramuntana Mountains, Sophie who smashed the Team record at Sa Calobra, or Kelly who climbed Coll dels Reis despite suffering of a crash earlier in the week, they worked so hard this week. We’re proud of you. All of you!

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